Thursday, July 1, 2010


So . . . I'm realizing very quickly that trips to the park and playing in a fenceless yard are a little more complicated with two small children. Arms are full of tiny babe and defiant toddler won't come back inside or walk back home. So . . . . there we are, all three of us, stuck on the corner until I can figure out how to physically carry all three of us back home. So much for "don't-lift-anything-heavier-than-your-baby-until-6-weeks-after". ...
BUT, my man of action built me a fence around our yard so I can be normal (i.e. be outside). He used palettes and other cheap materials and I think it looks pretty nice considering. Regardless, it is keeping the tiny man in, and that was the goal.

1 comment:

  1. Perfect. You are right - too difficult with 2 and just wait till she starts moving.
    Love you.
    Thanks for the pics.
    Keep em comin.
    Proud of you.
