I was warned about this . . . what happens to your house, brain and body when you have two small children (or 3, for some).
BUT, when you start off with some organizational issues, have unusually limited counter space, no dish washer, an addiction to watermelon and cantaloupe, a semi-violent son whose little sister needs a full time body guard (me, of course) and pulls you from the kitchen you might try to be cleaning, and a deep rooted character disease we call laziness . . . . (breathe) you wind up with some problems.
We have a bonafide ant farm. LOTS of ants. A highway, if you will, that takes over our unusually limited counter space. And the bag of M&M's in the baking drawer. And the box of Clif bars. And the watermelon I left on the cutting board at lunch. And the dirty dishes from that yummy peanut butter/apple sauce/soy sauce Thai stir fry we had last night. I have even found two frozen ones in ice cubes. How does that happen?
I would like to say I'm grossed out by them, but the truth is, I'm just not. I've become accustomed to them. I say to myself "they're way better than roaches or silverfish or spiders." Which most would agree is true. BUT this being accustomed to them is the symptom of my deeper disease . . . on a more serious note.
I've said for a long time that I'm just not very organized, or have limited space, blah blah blah. But the truth is, as my husband said so graciously the other day, we are lazy. I don't hang up my clothes when I take them off or try them on. My shoes don't have a home, other than the floor somewhere in the house. I don't even rinse dishes after I eat - tempting our little six legged friends. The back of the couch substitutes for hooks (that we don't have) for back packs, baby carrying devices of all sorts, even dirty diapers all twisted up tight and ready for the trash. (Why don't I just take it to the trash? . . . I gross myself out.)
Funny that Brett should tell me the other day that we are lazy, (also calling us slobs) as I had been convicted about my lack of self-control. I kind of don't want to write about this right now, because I was wanting some ice cream and now I'm arguing with myself about it. But really, I think my remaining "baby weight" might just be ice cream and too-big-of-portions weight.
So . . . I had a confession, of sorts, with Brett and asked him for prayer about my self-control issue. I don't want to put too heavy a burden on myself and know I need grace - I had a baby 6 weeks ago, for crying out loud. HOWEVER, you know when you have a character/perspective problem. Well . . . sometimes you don't. But I do now and know I need to change.
The other night Brett and I were in my parent's pool and I said I wanted some ice cream after we got out. We were kind of having a little date after the kids were down . . . He reminded me that I had been complaining about my fatness just moments before. Nasty. Stop it. He's so blasted bottom line and sees everything in black and white.
Brett's thoughts: "she doesn't want to be overweight. she wants ice cream. too much ice cream = overweight. eliminate ice cream."
My thoughts: "STOP TALKING TO ME LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!! I WANT ICE CREAM AND SKINNY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! date officially over. Not responding to you anymore. "
Brett's response: "that's immature"
My response: get out of pool and pout. Come to grips with the fact that he's right. Be honest about making changes a little at a time. Don't eat ice cream, drink more water, have confession and ask for help.
So . . . this week has been better as a result. Small strides. Worked out twice and felt great. Thankful the ants ate the M&M's. Really - they ate the colorful candy shell right off of some of them. Now I don't have to eat the M&M's. And I'm much more optimistic about seeing results with this newly adopted practice of self-control . . . be it over food choices, hanging up my clothes or putting things where they belong. God help me. Seriously.
just want to remember
12 years ago
Betsy, it's so fun to read your posts! You have a way of intertwining your honesty and humor that is so entertaining! Thanks for being honest. Self control is such a good lesson for us all. It sounds like you are developing a healthy attitude towards the organization and eating. Thanks for reminding us all of this need in our lives!
ReplyDeleteYou are hilarious! Actually, you have been (growing up) very organized and very unlazy. Love you. I think you are great...however you are! Mom