Sometimes Warrick drives me absolutely nuts.
Sometimes he is unbelievably delightful and I laugh my eyes out.
Tonight I was praying for him, over him, begging God for him. I really felt such a strong sense of the Lord's presence and vision and plan for him and was passionate about it and excited. And then . . . . Warrick wiped his booger on my nice black shirt.
All my immature, reactiveness drowned out my sweet God passion in that moment. I caught my breath (bit my sword tongue from saying, "What's the matter with you? Do you want me smearing boogers all over you? ) and then calmly asked Warrick if he, instead, would like a kleenex. Except I felt like sneezing in his face. I DID ask him not to wipe boogers on me. It's just not nice to wipe boogers on people or their clothes. Even if it's their rattiest messiest play or work clothes.
Anyway, I'm thankful for the quick reminder that I need as much guidance and change in my life as he does. If I can almost so quickly fly off the handle for getting a boog from my son, what would I do if someone really actually did something horrible to me?
Oh Lord Jesus, bring more of Your sweet self into my spirit.
just want to remember
12 years ago
I love this story....keep writing! Oh, and so glad he didn't eat it. I would much rather see him wipe it on your shirt. Afterall...your shirt was probably the nearest thing...right??