I've heard of it before and was shooed away from the YMCA KidZone once in Wichita when there had been an outbreak. Never had it. Come to find out, adults don't get it very often. I'm thankful for that now, as I watch my son suffering and drooling and desperately wanting to eat. Vera was a little luckier. She just has bumps on her booty, her hands and feet. But Warrick's mouth is horrific and his breath would make anyone who is weak of stomach hit the floor. The entire under side of his tongue looks like a giant kanker sore. I don't know how to spell kanker. Or Carribeaner, still.
He can't control his drool, his tears, or his whining, it seems. He can eat peanut butter if he holds it on his tongue for 5 minutes while he musters his courage to swallow. That's about it. We got him a Sonic milkshake tonight. Even then, he had to take frequent breaks. I had to pin him to brush his teeth and it was a sloppy, bloody, crying mess. I was so sad for him.
But one thing has been particularly interesting about this virus.
It has made our son stop talking.
For 2 days.
I could count his sentences on one hand.
Usually, he can talk about anything, faster than his mind has even actually made up what it is he wants to say. Stuttering and lisping in his barely detectable manner. Our house is rarely silent. (Even at night, lots of times, as we have not managed to raise good sleepers). He and his sister can easily fill the walls with their noises.
I'm sure it's a combination of his silence, the New Year, my starting a book called "Kisses from Katie", but it's caused some good reflection in me. Some remembering, really. And some of this has not taken on intelligible language yet, but is still quiet hints and whispers in my soul. But I'm starting to ask questions again . . . the kind that make you either have to change or to resolutely choose what you know full well is not quite right - even though it may be what all your neighbors are doing and what your best friends encourage of you.
So, I'm asking things like, "If God tells us to take care of orphans and widows in their distress, does that make adoption an obligation? A byproduct of really loving Jesus? Am I really taking care of orphans by occasionally giving some money to a mentoring program? I don't want to say obligation, but I used to think people were "called" to adoption. But I keep wondering if that's a bunch of bunk. I keep wondering how I would justify the fact that I've been parented pretty darn well, and loved well and have now been given an incredible husband - a real leader of our family and an intentional father, and also given a home with extra rooms, and land that begs to be explored and run around on . . . How would I justify this to a child that just wants to be held, wants to point at us and call us his family, to a child who can't get enough to eat when I throw away food just from off our floor that could easily sustain another life. What would my reasons be? Do I actually have any? Am I being really selfish to keep all this to our 2 little ones? At the same time, I know full well, that if we were to adopt, I would probably quickly realize that I'm actually the one that needs rescuing, and that instead of teaching someone else about God and holiness, I'm the immature one that is deceived and needs to change.
Another thinking that won't settle down in me. I want a hardwood floor. A light, solid HARD hardwood floor. Hickory or oak, but probably hickory. I could get over 1000 ft for less than 4000 dollars I think. I don't like the floors we have. I don't like the light fixtures or bathroom fixtures or the front door or the storm door or the color of the basement or the drop ceiling or the cabinet finish either. And Lord help me, I really don't like the hallway carpet.
But seriously. I have a warm house. I have electricity. I have warm water. I don't have to pee in a hole in the ground and I generally only sleep with one other person in my room. There is NOTHING really wrong with the floors we have. Except that I don't like it. And I'm a creative person and need to express myself through creative things, blah blah blah. Perhaps I need to get more creative and think of ways I could help people that need alot more help than I do. Remodeling seems like a crazy luxury to me today. And sometimes kind of wasteful and shallow.
I don't know what to do with the battles in my head over these things.
I'm just having a little bit of trouble justifying some of my life. A lot of places in my head are die hard dedicated to a lot of things and thoughts that really just don't matter. And I can feel that it's true. That my life could hold a lot more purpose and that I could stop feeling wasted so often, if I would do something about it.
So, I am writing them down as a means of accountability. Again. So I'll continue to remember.
And then too, I'm asking myself, cause I think the name for this virus is so weird. What are my hands doing to help and love and serve? Where are my feet going to take the truth of Jesus? Is my mouth communicating encouragement, HOPE, vision?
Just using my son's silence as a reminder to me to change.
From the silent, drooling, bleeding, kankerous mouth of babes.