I write in my head all the time. I have memorable moments, and then, ironically forget them. Or have such a long list of them, that I give up recording them and archive them into my forget these things file.
However, Brett and I have spent some time in reflection lately and have written out some key goals for our lives, and then brainstormed about the little day to day things you have to do to eventually reach your big long term goals. I am notorious for dreaming up great paintings, and interesting other things and then never getting to it. I don't want to look back and realize that I've just got a string of good intentions and great ideas.
So, one of my goals was to have a consistent creative outlet - here it is.
ALSO, I am highly motivated to spend time recording my life - mostly my children's - as my sister and family recently moved to India. I miss her like crazy. She's pretty much my best friend and my go to when it comes to sorting through relational things, figuring out how to raise children, and so many other significant things. I want her to feel like she's still part of my every day even when a newborn and one computer used for my husband's studying often keep me from being as available as the rest of my family.
So, while I may often feel uninspired or intentional without a plan, my sister is inspiring to me. So . . . I'll write for her.
And I'll write for my kids. They are inspiring to me too.
I certainly do not feel very inspiring right now. (Even though I have somehow inspired my son to be very dramatic - even cartoonish in his response to life . . . I won't really take credit for this as I realize he came out that way, but it has uncovered a bit of my drama as I watch him mimic me . . . .)
So . . . here's to being more consistent and intentional with my life in general. Cheers.
just want to remember
12 years ago
i love you.