Tuesday, January 19, 2010


That is, I suppose, what I should change the name to, since we are to be a family of four in May. However, I am spending less and less time on the computer and today I realized why.

Our laptop cannot keep up with me or my new camera.

I'm not sure why I expect my 16 month old son to demonstrate patience while waiting for snacks . . . . "mo, mo, mo, mo, mo, mo, mo" (He literally sounds like a little bird) when I cannot demonstrate any semblance of patience while I wait for our laptop to delete ONE photo. Don't need to crop, adjust the color or format - just throw it out . . . . I would think that would require the least amount of computer energy, but it's not true.

So, this post will likely NOT have photos. Maybe one.

I haven't organized my thoughts enough to write something that I might qualify as meaningful, but am needing an outlet because my grumpy is getting the best of me . . . . hmmmmpf. Fog and gray. Don't I feel so vulnerable and childlike when I lack the self-control to choose a better attitude just cause the sun isn't shining?

So - an attempt to fight it - here are some things I am thankful for today:

1. My son is silly and cheerful even when the weather is not
2. My mother-in-law GAVE us a car. amazing
3. The gastro bug we've been experiencing at our house seems to have passed. gross

4. My husband misses me on his first day back to school. I miss him too.
5. I was missed by new friends while we were gone
6. I have a camera that is smarter than our laptop

7. We made a little money over Christmas break and Brett was able to get an iTouch

8. I like our church

9. My sister and fam gave us some toys, books, clothes to lighten their load. What a blessing.

10. My new baby girl is getting stronger and letting me know it.

11. I don't live in haiti

12. A stranger that owns a boutique thinks some of my creative endeavors are cute and would like to sell them. Cool.

13. Jesus likes me without any good reason at all.

14. We got a family membership to the YMCA for $4.99 a month. Yes.

And now, even though I feel much better, a few questions I'm seeking answers to:

Why do I constantly feel overwhelmed by the following things:

1. laundry

2. dishes

3. organizing W's dresser so the clothes inside are the clothes that he wears and that fit

4. cleaning off the kitchen table

5. thinking of clever and healthy meals for dinner

6. making clever and healthy meals for dinner

7. washing the dishes from the clever dinner I probably didn't just make

8. finding a place for the clothes that are piled on my yellow chair

If we had too much money, I might actually consider hiring an organizing assistant. I am paralyzed by this . . . .

boo. However, I will add that I felt fabulous and effective and motivated yesterday afternoon. My reasoning - Starbucks and Jesus. Great combination.


  1. Good to see you posting again, Bets! Love hearing about your developments, even the tough ones. And yeah, laundry, dishes, and cleaning off the kitchen table... no good answers here, just empathy. :) Love you!

  2. just focus on one tomorrow--the chair, the dishes, the laundry, and don't worry about the others. Pick a new one the next day and try to maintain whatever you improved upon the day before.

    Can't believe you're having a GIRL! Wowsers.

    I loved the pics on facebook your SIL posted of the snow fort. So cool.

    I like you!

  3. I love reading your blog! You are funny! You write just like you talk! Maybe sometime we should work together on organizing at your house then come to my house and organize. Sometimes I think it's easier to deal with someone elses clutter! Thanks for being my friend!
