I was re-reading my own blog posts . . . . is that weird or vain? Just reflecting, I suppose, and thought I may be painting a picture of just the positives about our family life. Minus, of course, the Canadian geese situation.
I won't be long, but did want to add that my young son, while delightful much of the time, is certainly not perfect. He does not think obedience is very cool, he can throw an impressive temper tantrum, he is foolishly addicted to pulling on neck skin - mine, mostly. (This is a huge problem as I am already lacking in the jaw-line department . . . . do not need any help stretching the skin there). He is louder than most children his age. I am certain I will not lose him in the grocery store (check back in a year when I eat these words) because he is so verbal. A few days back he was several rows over with my husband and I had absolutely no difficulty locating them. Plus, it was rush hour traffic at Dillon's. As mentioned before, up until 2 weeks ago, he was a pathetic night sleeper. He doesn't like bananas - aren't they the default kids-always-eat-this fruit?
So, of course, now you know he's not an angel. You knew that before but were wondering if I knew it and so YES, I do know it. But I do still think he's delightful and funny and I enjoy him tremendously.
My husband . . . . . yes, I like him lots too. I will write about him another night.
I meant to write about grapefruit tonight actually.... another night for that too.
just want to remember
12 years ago
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