Monday, October 26, 2009

Right now

I am tired, I love reading my friend's and family's blogs, I feel a great sense of accomplishment for making several "business" calls today and securing several appointments, I feel more accomplishment over the spinach/sweet potato manicotti I made for dinner, I couldn't stop laughing at my son while I was trying to put him to sleep - he's so silly.
He would holler and then I would whisper to him that it was time for sleeping and not playing. He would "whisper" back and then giggle . . . like we were telling each other silly things at a slumber party and keeping the others awake well past normal hours. Then he would do it all over again. I had to give up and just put him in his crib. How do tiny little people get such a sense of humor and such clever ability to connect with people and make them smile? What a gift . . . . I hope he always has it.
My brother-in-law said, a couple weekends ago, "Does he make everyone feel special?" I still almost cry when I think that, because I do believe he has a gift to connect with people and make strangers and lonely people smile.
He is most definitely walking now - started on Brett's birthday last Thursday. He really enjoys rocking in his little rocking chair. He talks all the time. He has no idea he is getting a little brother or sister in May, but is fascinated with my belly button. What will he do when it disappears?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Beginnings of walking

I had the opportunity to be in an artisan show over the weekend in Kansas City. My parents were champs and seemed to love taking care of Warrick all day two days in a row. Wow. Brett was sad to be away from us for nearly 5 days and was super nervous that Warrick would start walking while we were apart.

Well, I wouldn't say that he started walking, per se, but he definitely took steps. On my way out of town, getting my oil changed at a Valvoline, Warrick was crawling and cruising all over the mostly clean little waiting room. He was particularly interested in the bumpy floor and the other girl waiting - who was not particularly interested in him. I just happened to look up while he was standing in the middle of the room. Tap tap tap tap tap. WHAT! Almost a running in place, very quick tiny steps. But definitely something he has not done before, and definitely closer to walking. I almost cried, for some reason, and then told the girl sitting there, "I know you probably don't care and didn't see, but he just took his first steps in front of you." She didn't really care, but I was so excited I had to tell someone.

Wow. A few more random steps over the last two days, and a tumble into the bathtub. Other than that, no official walking yet.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Warrick's birthday

I have not fallen off the face of the earth. I think I am not a very good blogger - I write amusing things in my head every day, but I just don't post them.
Last Sunday, our little son, Warrick, turned one. He jumped twice before his guests came to his well decorated party. Unassisted, without even losing balance a little. He landed it perfectly, like a gymnast. And he legitimately got off the floor. There were three witnesses.
You may not think this is very remarkable, but he cannot walk yet.
Most all of Brett's family came from SE kansas, and my parents came from Kansas City. Two couples we really like here were able to come as well. We crowded into our little living room and opened presents. Not sure he really understood the unwrapping, but he certainly enjoyed his presents. His family was so generous and fun. He opened a present from us - a little shirt that said "Big Brother" on it. It's true. We will be, Lord willing, a family of four in May.
My parents were absolute gems - helping decorate, clean and bake - my dad grilled the burgers in the mosquito infested backyard, and my mom baked the cake. Quite a task, when we wanted a pumpkin cake and there was a pumpkin shortage. She had to cook one of the giant ones you put on your porch for Halloween. And Val and Rita even brought all kinds of extra yummy food too.
Here are a few pics of the celebration.