1. I wrote about this on my facebook status. Do not try to flick dog poop out of your yard and into the street with a stick while your trunk (however far away) is open and full of groceries. You may have to spend some time searching through the bags to find the flying poop that came from a dog that IS NOT YOURS. Thank you neighbors and neighbor's dog. Please note, NEIGHBORS, that dog poop in yards with small children's toys will get poked, while said small child says, "Poop! Don't touch it. Yucky." Still poking it. Grrrrrrrr.
2. Do not try to multi-task and put your hoodie on while you are walking at the YMCA. The probability of you running into a stranger while your head is still in the sweatshirt as you round a blind corner are very high. (Seriously . . . did I really do this today? I did. I have no idea what the other guy's excuse was. But ironically it was the same guy who nervously introduced himself to us at church last Sunday. I don't know if he remembered me from Sunday, but he will now.)
Just a couple of helpful life tips. Since I'm so successful at it. :)
just want to remember
12 years ago
LMAO. get it? it's kind of like LOL but with a cuss word. ha.