Thursday, August 13, 2009

a special gift

This might be silly to some, but several months ago I was wishing I had a small daypack with several sections, pockets, etc... The pack I have currently could carry my son and a friend in it - obviously not practical for little here and theres that only need a diaper, a phone and a few snacks. I had in my mind what it would look like. However, we're a bit tight on cash lately and so a new day pack didn't make the list.

BUT, when we got home to our "27,000" letters (in the words of my neighbor who collected our mail) I found a happy birthday postcard from Backwoods. Funny, because my birthday is at the beginning of June. They invited me to come in to receive my birthday gift - a day pack valued at $49. Very very cool. Even got to pick from 4 colors. It's orange. It's just what I imagined.

Sometimes, when I'm in a bit of a dry spell with God and I have been lately, I pray that I will know Him better again and not make up dumb stuff in my head about who He is -like that He doesn't like me and can't be bothered by my silly cares and ideas. And then He goes and does something like this . . . . totally unexpected, but tangibly reminds me that He loves and likes me and is interested in the details of my life. Weird to say it that way, because He's actually orchestrating so many of the details in my life that I am utterly unaware of . . . .

He's so kind and generous. Thanks for the day pack, God. Thanks for the reminder.

And . . . . for those of you who mostly just want to see pictures of Warrick. Here are some. Please don't think we're cruel for fighting him so we could see his huge teeth with the space between. He forgot about the tussle promptly and is fine.